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  1. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    Ew, hell no, that 1/1/1 build looks terribad vs zerg. All it takes is one baneling bust and it's GG for terran. May be good vs protoss, but definitely not vs zerg. All you need is cracklings/speedlings, some banelings to take care of the marines, and then it's GG. You can just use spore...
  2. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    Best way to deal with them as Terran. Go Mech. Seriously, I started going Mech vs zerg and I'm basically like "huge pwning robots of d00m" and the zerg is all like "OMFG HOW DO I BEAT THIS THIS ISNT MMM!?!?!" Here's the basic idea of the build: 1) On your first rax build a reactor asap 2)...
  3. Rico

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    I'll be up for a game tonight! GT: Rico21745
  4. Rico

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    @ eejit: RDR isn't an fps?
  5. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

  6. Rico

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    lol @ picture
  7. Rico

    Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

    I've got this preordered for Xbox. Add me, GT is Rico21745
  8. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    So I've been thinking of how to get more use out of ghosts... Anyone wanna help me see if fungal growth + nuke is plausible? I'm thinking a few infestors spamming fungal growth while a ghost nukes slightly behind the enemy may be able to take down an army, but I'm not sure how feasible it...
  9. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    oh... well let me find some stuff out first, if my little bro doesn't want the key then he gets dibs on it. Location field isn't always something you can trust in :-P
  10. Rico C problems, again

    2d array: (notation may be incorrect for C, been a while since I did C) int array[2][3]; first bracket has rows 2nd bracket is column This creates a matrix like this. 0 1 2 0 [ ][ ][ ] 1 [ ][ ][ ] This is an easy problem. Don't break your head coming up with complex...
  11. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    Preorder the game noobs! Amazon and Gamestop are both giving away beta keys with every preorder, so there's no excuse!
  12. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    You cna preorder through amazon now too, I got my beta key in my email this morning. Didn't even know I'd be getting one, so now I have two!
  13. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    People, post up your new names. Mine is the same, Rico.trooper
  14. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    SEE? SEE???!! I TOLD YOU, MY INFORMATION COMES FROM GOOD SOURCES, FOOLS! Now Bnet is like dead because of all the gamestop nubs! Damn you all!
  15. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    I'm hearing that GalaxyEd may be released this week, along with the reset and a balance patch. Also supposedly the Mac version, but who cares about that, really. Also we've been having some amazing games lately, and they keep releasing new beta keys every week or two, so you may want to keep...
  16. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    The only thing that really annoys me about these resets is that they reset your friends list as well. Honestly, its starting to get really annoying to have to re-add people every two weeks.
  17. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    I'm kicking ass throughout the leagues. Started as a copper in the 50's when I first started playing, I am now in the top 10 silver and plan to keep kicking people's asses until I am standing on piles of defeated enemies.
  18. Rico

    The Walking Dead TV Series (AMC)

    The books are great, so hopefully they will remain faithful to their spirit and not turn this into some mindless zombie series.
  19. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    Last I saw they sent a wave a few days ago. Check your account page, they don't send keys anymore.
  20. Rico

    Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

    God.. is it just me or are there days when the matchmaking is incredibly ****ed up? Today has been the worst day for me, keep getting into mirror matches, and lost every single match I played tonight. WTF is that about? Sometimes I hate this damn game, it can be so frustrating. Oh and thank...