It's 1:37pm here on the west coast. He started the visit at about 12:00 (in theory). It might be wrapping up around now (valve done with the lunchtime tour and needs to get back to work). Give the guy some time to get home, upload files. And give hime time for the big come down after a...
Good job, omlette. I'm sure you sent him a direct email, right? There's no way he's going to be able to find your offer in the middle of this gigantic thread.
You could be right...but I doubt it. Spit has been pretty consistant...except for the film/digital camera. And maybe he's doing both conventional and digital photos. Maybe his digital camera got broke.
If he is pulling a fast one, this board will come down on him but hard.
Yeah, chances are that's right...there won't be any major info revealed....he'll see around the place and have a great time.
But he will get >something< out of them. If they hem and haw about the release date...that's still information at this point. That indicates some type of delay. If they...
He might not have a digital camera, folks.... Believe it or not, some people still don't have them. He can get traditional photos developed same day onto disk though.
How about this: if you don't have a digital camera, get one. Just buy it. The easiest one to use.
You'll use it later in...
Re: Re: nice...
Alright dudes...I've got about an hour and a half before my tour...I'm gonna go stock up on film for my camera now...but I will certainly be back
Travel well, sir.
Definately funny. But I think Spit is on the level.
Spit isn't just a stray fan, but a consistant part of...
>COOL, but is this for real?
Apparently so. Spit could be pulling a brilliant prank on us. But at this point, I don't think so. He's been consistant and realistic about everything when it counted. Good for him.
Nicely put. I'm sure he'll have to sign one though. This is big business...
Spit, give us one final post before you go and give us the lowdown on when you'll be back.
Right now, you should be setting up webspace for the pix though.
Don't give out any false information or do anything to make the trip go sour... Be extra good.
(news of my imminent Zombie status is less important than spits excellent adventure at this point)