At least Valve is picky about who will make the movie and such.
If there will be a movie (and I hope there will be!), it will probably be great. I just hope they won't make it "just another action movie", just like HL wasn't "just a game" :P
btw, hows this guy for the Gordon role...
You mean Dhabih Eng? Because he was not really fired.
He said it was a joke by someone in the office.
If you're talking about someone else...who was it?
So...Valve delayed the game to fix everything up in the source code and probably change some things that can lead to hacking due to the source being revealed.
gloryofbach, very nicely written =)
For the people who say it's open source and everything - Valve can sue you (and win..) just for you looking at it. Let alone _using_ it.
Well, Gabe knows that there are ALOT of people in the community, and they will be glad to help Valve out in catching whoever did it.
He made the right decision.
The great thing is, zonn44, just like with the coca-cola formula(I'm 100% sure there are already people outside of coca-cola knowing the formula...fired employees, companies trying tastes..), if someone does use it, he will get his ass sued so bad. But so bad.