First off, let me apologise if a thread like this exists. I did a search and found nothing relevant to my problem.
During the stress test (which I run to check speed of diff graphics settings) sometimes the reflective surfaces on the spinning glass and wet floors reflect purple. I am...
Well, Jez, you can bet it's something assinine, and I doubt we will ever get the full scoop on it. Could have been a Vivendi decision too. We just don't know.;(
I read em. Pretty cool info with a couple of new monsters and such. Also describes the new physics system which should add a lot. Of course that and zombies chucking things at you are what I am sure are blatent responses to what Valve has included in HL2. Even still, I look forward to both...
I LOVE weekly world news. It's some of the funniest $hit you can read in the grocery lineup. They are also the same people that alleged a love affair between Hussain and Bin Laden. Funny stuff.:bounce:
Ah, weekly world news. The fine people that brought us "bat boy", satan's face in a storm, and one of my fave's: The copy I bought in 1991 with George Bush Seinor shaking hands with an alien in front of the White House.