exoeight: Your point is worth arguing (I never saw the post), but consider rec's words: private messaging is the way to go with something like this. I would even consider doing this with individuals as well. Keeps the flame potential down, and shows respect for your fellow board...
Strategy guides are cool for filling in back story (if they are well written) and for giving info on hp's etc. But I hate it when games have stupid "puzzles" in them that almost require a guide or FAQ to finish. Ugh! I would much rather finish a game normally, and THEN read a guide for backstory.
Wow. This thread has definately gone down the toilet with the biggest "ker-splash" I've heard in some time. I never would have thought that I would have found this kind of dialogue on a halflife2 thread, but I guess I was wrong. I think perhaps you all might want to take a deep breath, and...
So did you kill it? Or is this heresay? I never heard of anyone doing it before.
Edit: to be clear, I'm asking about the green tenticle thingys, not the big blue dude.
I'm almost 100% positive that Gabe said a dvd version would be available. I don't think it was necessarily the collector's either. There was a thread about this a while ago. People were really confused about all the variants: single, steam, single + multi, collectors, and dvd variants.
LOL!!! Not knocking any Yanks out there, but that's some funny $hit!
Edit: Careful folks, you do not want to turn this into a political debate. I apologise if it appeared I was going in that direction.
I know it's the same time zone, but you DO realize ATI is a Canadian company, right? Not trying to be an ass, but I wonder how many people realize that. (other than other Canadians.)