It's probably real, but simply the fact that t0y from ***** is posting it means it's fake.
*Loves cryptic answers*
Question is, what can they do about it, if anything at all?
Hah, sorry I left the moron part in there ;)
What's funny is that except for the 9700, you have pretty much the same system as me (i have an 8500) yet I'm not even going to upgrade until I get my hands on the benchmark. If HL2 did come out the 30th, yes, I would have still waited to upgrade...
Actually, I just went to the ExtraLife site and check things out, turns out your picture really is a fake. Good job on finding it wherever you did, but I wonder if the original artist doesn't like the fact that you're posting it without consent.
I thought that comic was faked.
Cuz I saw the one where it was just Doom 3 and HL2, looks like the UT2k4 one was copied from the HL2 one, changed colors, added an ear, and made it a tad larger.
Got a link to that site?
Funny thing is, you need to learn how mIRC works ;)
When you PM somebody, that's the only time it says a name in the title window. Why the hell would t0y be PMing himself? It doesn't prove the files are real, however, it doesn't prove they are fake either.
And with all this leaking going...
The steam forums DO have e-mail authentication. I just signed up and it required me to authenticate.
It's just goofy how Steam itself doesn't do the same thing.
I would think more that he's really just trying to make a point to VALVe and by not saying anything to us, is doing what chris asked him to do, which is not asshole-ish at all if you ask me.
You have it backwards dude. They actually did say that the benchmark would be released September 30th, which in turn made news sites think "Oh, well HL2 is still on for September 30th, I guess we can just say the benchmark will come out along with the release of HL2!"
On top of that, the...
searched his background, he's been interested in this event ever since it was unofficially announced, (so unofficial, it was dbsynergy who sent the mail to gabe asking if it was real or not and getting the "oh i didn't know about that, whoops!" reply).
I think syn's just too farking drunk, so...