Full list of savings here http://didimatic.com/dd/en/onsale/steam
I just got the serious sam double pack for £5.50 :D So I take ack my previous comment :D
Edit: It is now availible to everyone according to the Steam store page. Guess they forgot about us >.>
Any decent MP games that im missing out on?
Gonna pick up the CoD collection.
Edit: Just saw the Novalogic pack :o Thats me sorted for the next few weeks :D Loved Delta Force 2! Do people still play it online?
Ive got a problem when I try to play custom maps. I've downloaded the support and Steam says its installed. I go in game and it says its "installing" and when I download a .vpk file its not recognised.
Any ideas?
Not sure to pre-order this.. its £35 on Steam and I get the convieniance of it being a digital copy.. but I can order it for £25 from play or something.. and im not sure how it'll run on my aging rig :/
It took about half hour to get through the 2 maps on normal.. guess it will be longer on harder settings but seems rather short? Ohwell..
Definatly has a differant "feel" from the first L4D. I like the melee weapons :D