Search results

  1. Skullhair

    Um.... yeah...

    Um... Yeah... *Edit: Last link was messed up for some reason. Kid has to much time on his hands. Nevermind the link doesn't work for some reason. It's on this page:, scroll down and click on "Crispy New Rapper (M)" Heh, Ok.
  2. Skullhair

    My thumb hurts!!

    It's been a long while since I played a console game that made my thumb hurt to bad to play anymore. Today I found that game that made me do it, again, in a long, long, while. It's called.... TOP SPIN! Lol, yes, a Tennis game! It's a lot of fun and...
  3. Skullhair

    LOTR - ROTK Game

    Eh, it's ok, fatass :P J/K :cheers:
  4. Skullhair

    LOTR - ROTK Game

    Anyone pick up Lord of the Rings - Return of the King for PC? I picked it up today but all the levels except the first make me play as fatass Sam. When I pick the path of the Wizard you play as fatass SAM! Anyone else having this problem?
  5. Skullhair

    weed..whats the big deal??

    Pain Killers > Weed. Not by much though :cheers:
  6. Skullhair

    P2P programs

    Newsgroups are really nice if you have a fast connection and can afford to pay a monthly (or three months) fee. You can get unlimited use and as up to 2.0Mbps speeds if the company you go through has fast and reliable servers.
  7. Skullhair

    Cs & Tv

    Here's an article about how kids are playing more CS then watching TV. Don't be surprised to see Pepsi & McDonald adds in your games in a couple years. Article
  8. Skullhair

    They are here...

    Go ONOS!! Woops, wrong alien :\
  9. Skullhair

    Control Panel?

    Thank you very much for that program, it worked. It was "rcman.cpl - Remote Center Control Panel Applet" when I checked that off it went away. Again, thank you.
  10. Skullhair

    Control Panel?

    When I right click on it it gives me two options "open" and "create shortcut". When i create a shortcut and put it on my desktop and click on it it doesn't do anything. When I click on it in the Control Panel it doesn't do anything. I was wrong about it being a shortcut to the Control Panel...
  11. Skullhair

    Control Panel?

    I have this stupid little icon in my Control Panel and I can't figure out how to get rid of it! I've went into regedit and can't find it in there or I didn't see it. I've included a picture, it's the one circled. It says it's a shortcut to my Control Panel. How it got there? I have no clue...
  12. Skullhair

    AMD 64 > Intel 3.2ghz?

    I would wait also. The new AMD FX chips are going to be changing pin counts in the next couple of months. So if you get one now then you won't be able to upgrade without buying a new Mobo later on.
  13. Skullhair

    Which will come out first?

    Heh, I posted the poll because they've both been worked on for five years now :dork:
  14. Skullhair

    Which will come out first?

    Which will come out first?
  15. Skullhair

    Yanks lose it

    Only in NY. Everyone outside of NY is cheering and happy as hell. :cheers:
  16. Skullhair

    Who will win the WS?

    Who will win the WS?
  17. Skullhair

    Comic starring

    It looks like she's saying "I'm going to f*$& you up"
  18. Skullhair

    Say No To Steam!!!

    Where are the "say yes" petitions for steam? ;(
  19. Skullhair

    True Crimes?

    True Crimes: Streets of L.A. (; anyone else going to buy this game? I was watching some movie clips of it at and the game looks awesome. It's a mix of Max Payne and GTAIII all in one. It's a must buy on my games list for sure. I...
  20. Skullhair

    Movie reviews

    I saw a clip of revolutions and Roy Jones Jr. fights that chinese guy protecting that chick. That's going to be a good fight I think.