"IMPORTANT: I cannot believe I just now remembered this, but when I was on the tour, Gabe told me that Steam would begin to send Half-Life 2 the game to individual's hard drives a week before it released via Steam. I'm assuming this is for people that choose in advance to get it from there. A...
dude i will shit myself if valve decides to give us the option to download it today- you have no frickin idea. 7 days= 1 week, the time spitcodfry said that the game will download.
i already told you people valve has been acting like theyve been working on hl2 the game when in fact they plan to unveil half life 2 the snuff film. They plan to turn the porn industry number one and get gabe as many bitches as possible. Half life 2: What Men Spend Half Their Life Thinking About.
im really looking forward to day of defeat 2- i gotta say that having fully destructible battlefield would be amazing in a ww2 setting. Would be sweet to have church towers and stuff and have tanks shoot and being able to knock them down.
Out of the vast amount of mods that have been publically announced for source, which look the most promising? have the best renders, concepts, websites, team ect.
gabe never said to spit that it will be before the 30th- spit said he never mentioned dates- go look it up, spit was the one that said the 30th and then everyone asked if those were gabes words.
also they are saying that it will be really close, so if it is delayed why would it be a long time?
you know despite the crude mature of the question thats a good point. Will glass be affected by physics as well? does it fragment or stay solid.... someone email gabe.