Search results

  1. Mac

    Crysis Screenshots

    notice it says "maximum" not "recommended" or "requirement"
  2. Mac

    Crysis mods in development

    You really have an open mind dont you?
  3. Mac

    Top Notch Infantry Combat

    looks so goofy seeing people float prone all over the place
  4. Mac

    Prey Demo June 22!

  5. Mac

    New crysis video

    i dont get people's argument about the punching nonsense. I think you can only use it as a cheat. If im wrong, is it really that hard to not punch stuff? I dont think so.
  6. Mac

    New crysis video

    negative. a physics card isnt going to be needed for crysis. it uses its own physics engine wich uses the cpu and slightly the gpu to render physics.
  7. Mac

    Armed Assault News from BIStudios

    I was watching the Multiplayer press demo and it looked pretty neat, but the sounds for the ar-15 (I think?) are very underwhelming. I hope they change the sounds for that before the release. It sounds so wimpy, like a friggin air gun or something, I dunno.
  8. Mac

    Titan Quest

    This game looks pretty good. check out this epilogue on it.
  9. Mac

    14mins of Crysis gameplay footage

    wonder what kind of computer these were played on...
  10. Mac

    Official Supreme Commander Trailer: Download it at Gamespot

    im not a big fan of rts games but this game is starting to make me one.
  11. Mac

    Armed Assault News from BIStudios

    wow the switch to player thing is pretty cool. can't wait.
  12. Mac

    E3: Big New Spore Video :o

    this game is gonna eat up a lot of my time when it comes out :(
  13. Mac

    Having problems with FEAR.

    smart alec :p
  14. Mac

    Armed Assault News from BIStudios

  15. Mac

    Armed Assault News from BIStudios

    that can easily be over looked if the story keeps you enthralled all the way through.
  16. Mac

    Armed Assault News from BIStudios

    looking great, can't wait.
  17. Mac

    THQ Announces Frontlines: Fuel of War for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC

    indeed there is a post with this already in mind the thread is titled: "New shooter from Kaos Studios" please double check before making a new thread in the future.
  18. Mac

    New shooter from Kaos Studios

    okay its a first person shooter. the idea behind this is you shoot things.. You cant get around this.. get used to it or play some rts games. point is there's gonna be the same type stuff forever in first person shooters.
  19. Mac

    New shooter from Kaos Studios

    just as long as it has a good netcode ill be happy.
  20. Mac

    SiN Episode 1: Emergence in Stores May 9

    so wait is the 19 bucks for the whole shebang or just episode 1? example: episode1: $20 episode2: $20 episode3: $20 episodeN: $20 total = $20 * N or is it episode1 + episode2 + episode3 + ... + episodeN = $20.