Ah jeez, ever since DAY ONE when I downloaded that bloody 600 MB video on DIAL-UP all I've friggin wanted was to be able to walk around in that room with the water, the huge mossy wall, the water-gordon and the room with that sweet camera, and the room with the big pool and matresses, THAT"S ALL...
I just had an idea, image you've just installed the game, and it's loading up...
no menu appears, but you are suddenly standing in front of the G-Man, just like the end of h-l1, on the train. The graphics are exactly the same as H-L1's too.
you walk through the portal, hear the G-Man etc...
I have seen first hand a tech demo, I may be able to find it on my hard drive if you want me too, but what I've seen is very VERY real looking, things don't jut out, but they definately have a believable depth, I couldn't believe what I was looking at was flat, even though I knew it was, trust...
Ok, there is this game called Half-Life 2 that is nearing release, there is alot of extra work thanks to one hardware company ignoring Directx9 specifications, what would Gabe do?
well he's spends 5x as much time optimizing code for the stupidly designed hardware so that he doesn't get...
one thing the benchmark didn't include was a feature only availible with DX9, I'm talking about HDRI lighting, I think that's it, it makes lighing look infinatly better, mark my words.
ARRRG!@ friggind dial up! I've had an application in for a 512 adsl connection for nearly a month now! yet I'm still stuck on dial up, I've been trying to download this for over 12 hours now, it's goign so damn slowly. I have seen some screen shots though, I know what you are talking about with...
hey, those things are cool, I've still haven't watched that show, lame = me
just cuz I'm a noob, how did you do that floor? jsut stretch it really far? or is there some kind of infinity setting?
No update, just an update
Ok, well I haven't done anything new yet to my house (not anything like my house btw) but I have changed the site a bit, I've just learned php, so head on over to my progress for a new and easier way to view the images, thanks to php w00t!
hmm, I have the attention...
nO sToNe~!/ahg1!
WhaT!/ No STonE! aHHRrg! hehe, nah, didn't get the template, don't know what to do with it. Yet. Ok, I've got some updates to my square room, I've added better colouring (I hope) and skirting around the roof and floor boards, please let me know what you think, cheers.