"In court filings, Sierra/VUG says that the current distribution of Half-Life 2 via Steam exceeds the scope of the current software publishing agreement between the two parties. It is apparently seeking the court's assistance in compelling Valve not to use Steam as an avenue of distribution."...
SAJ said it perfectly. Personally, I think it's fantastic that the games industry will adopt the Developer---->Customer model and gain 100% of the profit for themselves, cutting out the middleMEN.
Of course, when I said that, I meant if we lived in a perfect world where court entanglements and lawyers were nonexistant, Valve should win out.
But, being we live in this world, a deal should be brokered so no one gets screwed.
My guess is that Vivendi saw the potential for lost sales because of Steam. Steam is going to cut right into their profits, big time.
I say f*** Vivendi, they had nothing to do with the creation of HL2. Valve made it, financed it, and promoted it. All Vivendi would have to do is physically...
"Half-Life 2 has gone gold..........................
Semi-Transparent 9th Dimensional Gold, meaning you'll kind of see it on September 30, 8183.
-Doug Lombardi"
Maybe I missed it, but did anyone think of the whiteboard pics from the latest visit to Valve? Nova and Prospekt were mentioned on one of the whiteboard pics.
Ummm everyone can download it tomorrow. No one from Valve has said that the HL2 preload tomorrow will only be for ATI voucher holders. Way to spread false info.