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    13 days

    less then 2 weeks. :)
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    Will there be a Easy, Medium and Hard?

    Just sent Gabe an Email.
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    Will there be a Easy, Medium and Hard?

    Is that how its gonna work, or will the game adjust to your skill level as you play?
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    Halflife 3.

    Halflife 4 "Life in Prison" :) You play Gordon freeman who is trying to bubba.
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    Halflife 3.

    Whens the release date? I heard October 15th 2007, but you think it will be delayed??? :)
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    Gameplay taking orders for 30th.

    Gameplay. Look at the release date.
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    Is Their An Announcement Tonight At Midnight est ?

    Max Payne went gold about 1 week before release. Maybe even less so don't be saying its impossible to hit the 9/30 date if it dosn't go gold by tomorrow.
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    How do you change it?
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    thats an excuse...
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    Why can't Gabe or someone from Valve just come out and say it has or has not been delayed to all the gaming sites??
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    If the SDK for mod makers is to come before the game, wouldn't that mean it would get released at least a month before...or no? I hope it goes gold this week.... although I know gabes never said anything other than sept 30th, all this talk about nov, feb is unsettling.
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    18 more days......

    I can't take it no more, I just can't take it.... ;(
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    Lets see some lower CPU Benchmarks people!

    Well well, look at you, arn't you special. You deserve 2 candies for being sooo special.
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    Gabe Is Stressed :(

    have respect dudes. :flame:
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    HL2 still on for 30th September

    What are you talking about?
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    Total bs

    Getting out of hand! All this talk about release dates has got to stop.
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    Lets see some lower CPU Benchmarks people!

    Yes. I agree. Im on an Athlon 2000+ and although I do run a 9800. I think its always unfair of these reviewers to give us benchmarks running on top end cpus that most gamers don't have.
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    More ship date info! GOOD NEWS!

    I'll buy it twice. I'll dl it and then I'll buy the boxed version aswell. Thats just me though.
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    Just bought a Geforce FX 5900 Ultra.....

    Raptor, can't you exchange your card for the 9800pro? Will the store take it back?