ok well pretend you either get to sleep with a hot chick or do whatever you want with her for 1 night or get to play HL2 from start to finish which would you choose?
::not bragging::: i had a hot gf who would insist on being with me when I go play games with friends. I guess I got lucky becuase her friends were dicks to her :) :) :) but I'd like to have a hot female that plays and is better than me in HL2, while sucking my #!@&.
lol i'd do it. i think about asking him to release a demo maybe? oooooooooooh have a better idea. everyone instead of just sending gabe a postcard. just give me the money that you were going to spend on it. muaahhahah
i think that grendal(s) dood is full of smack. For some reason i just don't think it's the real guy. The guy who started this forum DID say he had to convert the video and crap like that. People we're saying let me post the video and BS like that like they didn't even listen to him. He even...
I actually heard from a friend that they're still encorporating Other Languages to the dialoge and that's the reason for delay. Bit uMM delay sucks and whoever thinks hl2 being pushed back is good should be shot with something. preferrably vegitable orientated