SubKamran, I was watching the videos and i gotta disagree with you on something tho. Doom 3's flashlight is better :) the engine was made for shading and lighting. but other than that css looks pretty good and cant wait to get my hands on it :)
psp by far. ds is just ugly IMO, may have decent games, but they sure dont look amazing. we dont know much about the psp games so why call them ports already. and if they were direct ports would it kill you? i mean its the same exact controls. and its not like its ps2 to pc, its ps2 to a smaller...
lol that mid is pretty cool, if they recreated it for doom3 that would be pretty nice. meh, listen to me lol, i dont even listen to rock and i like this thing :(
yeah, i beleive they orginated from Guru3d.
look at the date of the post..
these pics are more than a month old lol
its the orginal shareware of Doom1 so it's free.
altho it looks like crap on a 21 inch monitor ;)
whoa this is like...a month old.
if you guys dont know why the hdr looks way too bright in the picture then you dont know the full story. the settings were enhanced for testing and they wont look like that in patch 1.3