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  1. niddhoggr

    I've just been watching Gamesville....(Possible HL-2 release date info)

    I'm still waiting for those pics :frown:
  2. niddhoggr

    Guthrie - halflife2 character?

    Of all the things I think the G-man imay be (A member of race x, a master of space and time, an alien in disguise, etc.) I'm pretty sure he isn't a member of the US.
  3. niddhoggr

    Half-life 3

    on second thought, lets just make it half life 3
  4. niddhoggr

    Half-life 3

    It should be "halflife: the final world"
  5. niddhoggr

    My thoughts about what Hl2 story will be like

    Wow, somebody actually knows? Usually I get a lot of "Are you censor bypassing?"
  6. niddhoggr

    What is Alyx???

    BadgerEDIT: Mmmm I ate the Stolen files
  7. niddhoggr

    My thoughts about what Hl2 story will be like

    I wonder if I'll get banned for mentioning the pre gold... I really don't care, because I hardly ever post here anyway.*
  8. niddhoggr

    My thoughts about what Hl2 story will be like

    BadgerEDIT: no beta talk
  9. niddhoggr

    Half-life 2 and April 2004...don't assume April

    Actually, I heard (Before sept. 30) that prima had those guides finished before sept. 30th, but they got word from VU to not release them yet. But I could be wrong., If you have anything official, please link us.
  10. niddhoggr

    PC Zone Half-Life 2 Feature Expected

    3 days....
  11. niddhoggr

    Alcatraz Presentation Video

    :flame: Gamespot gives you cancer :p
  12. niddhoggr

    Curing that damn converter

    My stupidity knows no limits:dork:. I should make a note to read posts more carefully.
  13. niddhoggr

    Curing that damn converter

    Yeah, shortly after I posted that I realized how stupid I was for not realizing the obvious:dork:. Whoops. Time to google!
  14. niddhoggr

    Curing that damn converter

    Um, what program do I have to download to make those files work? Like, right now they have that window that tells you it doesn't know what it is, or something. The icon thats a white sheet with the window on it.
  15. niddhoggr

    Original Half-Life

    I hope they release a better version soon. It feels like they released version instead of 1.0
  16. niddhoggr

    Original Half-Life

    BTW cordless, when it freezes like you say, does the "install" button get stuck pressed down? Thats what's happening for me.
  17. niddhoggr

    Original Half-Life

    Hey, are you the cordless pen from gamefaqs? This is the niddhoggr from gamefaqs
  18. niddhoggr

    Should I reinstall a third time?

    did it work after the sixth time you reinstalled?
  19. niddhoggr

    Do you like steam?

    I don't like it at all.
  20. niddhoggr

    Should I reinstall a third time?

    Whenever I try to get to a game and it asks me to install, I press the install button, and then it freezes. Should I reinstall this again or what?