My guess is that retail activation could be live as early as the week before. It's no detriment to them. If people take the game home from work and activate early Valve can track them.
The STEAM release is 11/16 12am PST, which probably won't affect retail activation at all.
Unless you want the shiny box and painted CDs, who cares? Burn the .gcfs to a CD.
The reason why its the same price as retail is because Vivendi gets a chunk of that money, due to their contract.
The 1.6 update upped the glock damage to just below the usp. Combine that with a 20 round clip and 3 shot burst, and the guns are pretty even. The glock is more powerful up close whereas the usp is better with some distance. I do better with the usp when shooting in bursts, and the glock i...
The reason for all these problems is not necessarily steam, its the latest Half-Life update that was introduced with steam. HL1 wasn't tested very extensively and those bugs were never fixed.
Australian time? My guess is pacific time, as that's what Valve has used for their past releases.
I doubt any retail stores will be open at that time to sell HL2.
as_ maps were gone long ago, 1.6 just still supports them.
es_ maps, while cool, were easily abused and damn confusing at first. Plus, t's getting limited weapons bit the big one. Abuseable because a t can camp and force everyone to wait out the whole 5 mins.
as_ maps rely on a decent...
lol this is fps single-player ingredient #1. It is literally NO different than having to unlock the door with a switch, if you put it in the same location as the key. Except in game with limited inventory, then you must drop stuff if you have too much to make room for the key. fun!