i woke up today and just switched on my pc to look if the sdk was released. i got the update news and was like "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT" hl2 dm released? downloaded it in a few secs and started it (even though i had school!) 2 laggy servers and i thought "hmm kinda laggy...must be the physics....." but...
any weapon in cs is ok and allowed...i hate when ppl complain about autosniper users or campers....
btw. munro or some admin, could you tell us who has been chosen? thank you
I just read here that the combines are human and what came to my mind was this: gman is testing gordon for something we dont know what. What if the evolution of mankind was this: Normal ppl -> combine -> Gordon, and the humans are sold in the universe as "war-slaves"? the gman is a "war-slave"...
normally my router connects to the internet and im always on when i start my pc...but now suddenly i have to dial in even though my router is plugged in! AND i cannot conigure it because i cant reach it under it's ip !
i have a D-Link Dl 604