a remake of iceworld:
does anyone have a server? i don't know any bugs but i would like to test it online!
edit: btw this was more a training to get into the new hammers functions...hope it's still fun to play ;) we will see...
i have the dust sky, a normal light did not help and it has a direction...
i made a normal block as a physbox and it did not get black and then i made a barrel and it got black! wtf?! is there a barrel model or prefab that i can use?
problem 1:
i have a physbox in my map and when i jump around it often just gets totaly black!!!!! HELP!!!!!
edit: there is only 1 light in the map, a light_env...
problem 2:
how to disallow buing on a map?
winterhude, du?
wahahha that made me laugh, because there is a pizza commercial in germany where a family eats german pizza and when they discover it's by wagner from germany they all scream "WE LOVE WAGNER...WE LOVE DEUTSCHLAND" :E omg german commercials are so sad and bad (most)
i just found a gman img on google, had time and thought...well lets make a wallpaper. so, here's the result: