Search results

  1. Polaris

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    If it's better than Walton Simons constantly blinding you with his plasma rifle, I'm fine with that.
  2. Polaris

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    It looks that I'll have to cancel my pre-order of the Augmented Edition from UK since the game is region locked for other EU countries (which is probably illegal but Sqeenix don't care). Not sure if I'll find another Augmented Edition for a reasonable price...I must have that artbook, damn!
  3. Polaris

    Dota 2 Gamescom Trailer Released

    Nice. Little bird told me that script for the trailer was " partly written by Marc Laidlaw".
  4. Polaris

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    Me too! Can't wait...
  5. Polaris

    That's no moon!

    There is no dark side in the moon, really. As a matter of fact it's all dark.
  6. Polaris

    Starting your own business.

    Jesus Solaris, you already sound like a yuppie!
  7. Polaris

    'Half-Life: Singularity Collapse' Short Movie - Must See!

    "In your face" references!
  8. Polaris

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    "Conspiracy Trailer"
  9. Polaris

    UK Import Tax

    New EU imposed law. I hate this nonsense, since it has been introduced in my country I don't use my eBay and Amazon accounts anymore. Free market FTW. :|
  10. Polaris


    Brain Mapping. Artificial Intelligence. We should have been working on it thirty years ago.
  11. Polaris


    I'm pretty much interested in that, I don't think it's about some scifi-esque evolution of human race and superhumans, it's something that can help people overcome their physical limitations and disabilities. See H+ Magazine for some interesting read. This is real transhumanism, not some...
  12. Polaris

    Portal 2 controversy

    I've been called a "smelly human" and a "stupid mammal" by this game and frankly, I'm offended!
  13. Polaris

    "Final Hours of Portal 2" Now Available on Steam

    Got it! Eric is so rad!
  14. Polaris

    Teacher tells muslim student: "I bet you're grieving Uncle Osama"

    Often much more personal things than nationality, race or religion.
  15. Polaris

    Teacher tells muslim student: "I bet you're grieving Uncle Osama"

    Hate crime for sure. :rolleyes: I was mocked and insulted by teachers all the time I went to school. No big deal here...
  16. Polaris

    What Games Do You Suck At?

    I suck at Mario.
  17. Polaris

    I won't buy

    Cry some more...