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  1. Sheepo

    Breaking Bad - Season 5

    I think Ted is a pretty big fundamental open ended question for the season and they could easily make him important or not. Considering the flashforward and the degree to which Walt appeared to have lost everything paired with the scene where Walt first finds out about Ted with Saul, I thought...
  2. Sheepo

    The Hobbit - Part 1

    Well if it was a bridge then it would be its own movie and not part of the first trilogy, making that one just two movies. Anyway, yuck. I ****ing hate splitting things into pieces.
  3. Sheepo

    Breaking Bad - Season 5

    Did anyone else find the detail of not showing the heads of Walt or Skylar in that wake up scene really striking?
  4. Sheepo

    Breaking Bad - Season 5

    This is kind of a random thought/speculation but the other day it occurred to me that a carwash is kind of the perfect cover for drug distribution operation.
  5. Sheepo

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    The Dark Knight Rises - 6/10 I dunno, this was a pretty heavy disappointment. Not bad, by any means, but there was a lot wrong with it. I think it tries far too hard to be too many things. Thematically it's all over the place and is ultimately hits quantity over quality. Bane, who initially...
  6. Sheepo

    Colorado Theatre Shooting

    Heard this on the local news: "The assailant was said to have red hair, like the joker in batman." Um.
  7. Sheepo

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    I'm just saying having some forced or overly convenient plot circumstances and science stuff in a summer superhero movie, let alone a movie at all, shouldn't be what makes it an abysmal abomination. Yeah, perhaps they could do better, but if you really want to talk about a movie being poor why...
  8. Sheepo

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    I thought this movie was so terrible here are two or three examples of a time when an event was mildly implausible, unrealistic, or unbelievable. Worst movie ever, don't see why people would choose this over suicide.
  9. Sheepo

    Valve Announces Steam Greenlight

    It's so cute how your lack of pretention is so pretentious.
  10. Sheepo

    Valvetime means L4D too, eh?

    Ah, well I haven't been on L4D2 in over a year, didn't realize it was in beta. And I haven't watched the round ups, I stand corrected. Nothing left to do but beat myself as punishment. Consider yourself added Barnz, and I'm curious what you don't like about it Hat.
  11. Sheepo

    Valvetime means L4D too, eh? All L4D campaigns adapted to L4D2, new DLC campaign 'Cold Stream', any and all "mutations" available at all times. July 24th. Anyway, seems like L4D is a second hand citizen on a site that is now devoted to Valve in general officially. Anyway, I...
  12. Sheepo

    Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

    Well, just to be definitive in explanation, why it definitely can't be Drogo: White Walkers aren't dead reanimated like wights, so Drogo would have to have always been a white walker to be one. Drogo's never been in Westeros. Perhaps I'm forgetting exactly how the show played this out, but I...
  13. Sheepo

    Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

    I've never heard anything so ludicrous ever. Are non-readers really that bewildered/uncertain about the show?
  14. Sheepo

    Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

    I can see your point, however that was one of the few examples of obvious changes in the show that I actually liked. Generally when I whine about the show people will tell me to not get so caught up in having a exact translation from the book and accept that the show should have its own style...
  15. Sheepo

    EA: "Steam sales cheapen intellectual property."

    Just kidding.
  16. Sheepo

    prometheus (2012, ridley scott)

    There was a german scientist woman?
  17. Sheepo

    prometheus (2012, ridley scott)

    I don't disagree at all. I just think it was more 'okay, I guess' than it was bad and your reasons for condemning it were either unfounded or not actually a very negative quality.
  18. Sheepo

    prometheus (2012, ridley scott)

    It's just a pet peeve of movie goers I have that basically boils down to A) Being very critical and cynical about a movie, with still much of it to go (unless it's just super obviously a terrible movie, generally to a degree that you know going in it'll be abysmal; kind of goes hand in hand with...