if you right click on the circle icon for the message it will dismiss it and you won't have to read it.
I get quite a few random glitches while playing though. Some improvements on the map (like horses and pastures) will get stuck on the screen and won't go away for a couple of turns. In...
I haven't been following your server stuff closely, but with the server I've been playing on we've had good luck just restarting the server every once in awhile to fix the lag issues.
How did you get a picture of the world map?
I found the skin here but the site seems to be down right now.
haha, well, we were playing quite a lot on those days though.
Take some screenshots from your world guys! I'm curious to see what you've built
Anyways, just started playing a few days ago. So far, me and a friend have accomplished this:
(btw, sphere's are a bitch to make)
The pyramid is not just a pyramid either... it's a super wonder of the world!
well for one, you appear to be doing union/intersection instead of intersection/union
try to create better variable names to avoid this confusion in the future
I think the gameplay will be just as good if not better than the first since this one should have some decent AI at least. What it really comes down to is how good the story is and how well the character progression system works.
I'm assuming the "1 +" part is for the root node itself.
You can now simplify your code to this:
int GetSize(BinaryTreeNode* root)
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
else {
return 1 + GetSize(root->left) + GetSize(root->right);
I'm surprised that compiled, but I think what you're actually doing is unintentionally very complicated.
Anyways, the hint I'll give you is that each call of GetSize should have just one expression as a parameter, either root->left or root->right