how do you zerg players deal with a terran army that has a really good composition? I'm talking about a bunch of siege tanks in the back, marines and marauders up front, and vikings in the air. I've lost a few games to people that had almost exactly the same army.
I did my "strategy" of losing all the placement rounds to get put into the bronze league then won a bunch of matches and am now at the top of it. I think the system is starting to catch on though because I've had a couple games with some pretty good people.
I need to play some more and see...
I just started playing again lately, crushing the practice games. I'm considering intentionally losing the placement matches to get into a lower league so I can win more haha
It doesn't take into account sales or games you paid more for when they first came out but it's still amusing
$1240.31 USD
I've probably only paid about 1/6th of that
m60 seems pretty ridiculous still. I think they should increase the spread of all light machine guns, pistols and a bit on engineer and assault rifles. I'm constantly getting "sniped" with guns that shouldn't have that sort of control at long ranges.