I'm certainly not remotely excited. I'm inclined to purchase the game some time after initial release, but only if my associates see to do so as well. The simple fact that Valve has, excruciatingly, decided to continue work with the series which was rather dull in the first place as opposed to...
Prototype - 9/10
This is a highly rewarding and entertaining super - "hero" game. I've been spending a lot more time at it than I initially anticipated. The way it gets you to work towards powers is not tedious, and things become more fun, difficult and badass as it progresses. The massive...
Like I said, it's all a bit unnecessarily abstract and yet it acts like a game for three year olds. I understand why someone would like these sorts of games but the fact that they are in such a vast minority compared to everything else on the Wii is what puts me off. Maybe if every Party Babies...
I came across this a long long time ago, and upon recieving the Orange Box, TF2 looked to me like a multiplayer FPS version of Evil Genius. Which it practically is.
The only Mario game I enjoyed every moment of was Sunshine. There was actually nothing wrong with that game. Mario 64 was too abstract and Galaxy was even more so, (plus the fanboys going on about its "amazing" graphics). All the Karts were good, most notably DS.
Galaxy was mediocre.
Yes. In my opinion Sawmill is the best map since the game came out. Visually it trumps all others by a long shot. Nucleus is a pretty standard map with the big rainbow machine in the middle.