Potential security problems have been solved, our game is no more "hackable" than any other game, and most likely will be less so.
Hello Rick,
Eric T. here again, hope everything is good with you.
My first...
I remember seeing the first pictures of TF2 and seeing helicopters, but then I read a thread that described the leaked TF2 source, and there was no mention of them. Any idea if they're still in?
The thing I don't get is that people think that Valve has created some all-knowing AI that has realistic human responses. Maybe once computers obtain a soul in 2200.
Oh, I didn't know that it wasn't dynamic yet. But still, I think that it looks far improved over last year and it looks terrific. I can't ask for anything more.
In the E3 2004 videos, did anyone else notice the improvement over last years videos in regards to the lighting?
Before, when an object transitioned between a light and dark parts of the environment, the change from light to dark would appear to be instant on the object itself. In the 2004...
We won't be getting them pizzas for another week or two.
The place I called was 3 miles from the Bank of America building where Valve is located. I'll give Dominos a call in the morning.
We have $300 to go, but we just started an hour ago, so we'll be fine. I guess a nice starting point is $10.00 a person. Anything anyone can give is nice.