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  1. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    Playing Resistance Fall of Man 2 currently and fuming over the lack of Cartwright I WANT CARTWRIGHT!
  2. Skaadi

    The Religions of

  3. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    Heh, back when I was at school I used to look forward to the days where I did something interesting. Now that I work I look forward to the days where I do nothing. :(
  4. Skaadi

    Teabagging - 2009 Edition

    Ooooh Earl Grey is lovely.
  5. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    Thanks guys :) BH, she was about 2 months along.
  6. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    My sister lost her baby last night..
  7. Skaadi

    Gabwe Newell? not quite, at first glance your profile dp looked like Hideo Kojima's raep time...

    Gabwe Newell? not quite, at first glance your profile dp looked like Hideo Kojima's raep time with Daffy Duck. Dude.
  8. Skaadi

    ....Hideo Kojima?

    ....Hideo Kojima?
  9. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    *imagines lefty's dad reading this thread*
  10. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    You know what was weird? When they spoke to me they were nice. You always know that when the houso guys are nice they're planning to do something to you.
  11. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    Crappy few days, I got followed by some guys at the station last night. Freaked the living hell out of me/ This happens so often now, what is it about me that attracts these losers? Also, it feels so weird now that the house is empty. There's just this unnatural silence now that scares me...
  12. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

  13. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    Tired, so very very tired. Been working 5 days a week with little sleep and little food. Dont know why I keep doing this to myself. And to add, priest thought it might be fun to embarrass me during mass tonight. He was only playing but...the bastard. Isnt that...cute. Something SO...
  14. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    Brother woke me up again this morning at 5 If again tomorrow again curb stomping will ensue
  15. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    Wut nao, Razzy? Also, this. I lol'd muchly.
  16. Skaadi

    Strife Lately 1+2

    Spent all of today playing Assassins Creed and having lunch with an old friend tomorrow, plus some ecumenical thing in the evening and no work! Happy happy days!
  17. Skaadi

    Strife Lately - II

    ^ Shall do, shall do Oh hai Lefty, long time no see