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  1. Jintor

    Yes, but not check my notifications

    Yes, but not check my notifications
  2. Jintor

    This is what is wrong with The Old Republic

    The fact that they are trying to do something interesting and new within the MMO space is not automatic grounds for omg ruined forever (although it does raise the possibility of omg thissucks somewhat).
  3. Jintor

    Lawsuits Filed Against Apple For iPhone 4 Signal Issues

    This is kind of stupid, honestly.
  4. Jintor

    Manly Tears while watching movies

    Pixar very nearly got me in Toy Story 3. All my effort not to tear up.
  5. Jintor

    Toy Story 3

    You guys should see it. It's a good movie.
  6. Jintor

    Transformer Owl

    Nature is a mother****er.
  7. Jintor

    Freaking finally.

    'grats my man!
  8. Jintor

    A new standard for cosplay has been reached
  9. Jintor

    doctor who series 5 this saturday

    Man, I thought the phrase RUINED FOREVER was made redundant by the fanboy agreement act 2004
  10. Jintor

    doctor who series 5 this saturday

    Name 'em, name 'em! I was too bedazzled by the enjoying myself to notice Anyway, TIMEY WIMEY
  11. Jintor

    Zeno Clash 66% off - worth it?

    It cost you less than lunch bro
  12. Jintor

    Happy Birthday Queue on Fused

    Happy qonfused, Birthday!
  13. Jintor

    Sometimes Jintor Draws Things

    Making faux MMO classes with a few friends /edit I also drew this randomly!
  14. Jintor

    Perils of Summer Sale: Sunday Update!

    Can any of you yankee or otherwise uncensored douchebags buy L4D2 for my friend and gift it to 'em? Details when I return, if anybody wishes to take up the offer. /edit I WILL REPAY YOU of course
  15. Jintor

    Australia's first female Prime Minister

    Yeah, Aussie politics likes to go through cycles like that. Liberals get the money, and Labour spends it. That's how we roll.
  16. Jintor

    Senator Kyl confirms AZ does border Mexico!!

    I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. D:
  17. Jintor

    Australia's first female Prime Minister
  18. Jintor

    Perils of Summer Sale: Sunday Update!

    Seven bucks? Worth it. Man I spent ages looking for this goddamn thread.
  19. Jintor

    The Scale of the Universe

    You've just really got to wrap your head around the sense of scale. In both time and space, it's ridiculously, incredibly, mind-bogglingly big.
  20. Jintor

    If you annoy me one more time I'll show you my boobs

    This story'll be gone in a flash.