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  1. kupocake

    Your Best Video Game Music

    Here are the usual suspects:
  2. kupocake

    Games: Rate and Discuss

    Assassin's Creed - 6/10 Proof that a game can be fundamentally and deeply flawed whilst still being compelling. It's extraordinary how little is in this game considering... err how much is in it. The environments are well designed, the basic mechanics are fun, and then, they must have just come...
  3. kupocake

    Disney trademark name of the unit who killed bin laden

    Blatantly a straight to video talking animals flick about an underdog water polo team, you know, like literal seals. Whatever it is, the trailer will have the sound of a needle being clumsily removed from a record at some point.
  4. kupocake

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    It's going to be yellow.
  5. kupocake

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    You mean as a prompt at the beginning of a game? Funny thing is that that screen is surely equally completely redundant on the consoles. I don't disagree that certain things in modern games suck... but their suckage is typically platform agnostic.
  6. kupocake

    Rumour: Nintendo Feel

    And lay my hands on Princess Peach after all these years. Am I right Men? etc. etc. Princess in another castle etc. etc.
  7. kupocake

    Rumour: Nintendo Feel

    Doesn't sound casual enough for a forthcoming console nicknamed 'Project Cafe'. Frankly, this could be quite literal. If Nintendo released a mug with a joystick-stirrer spoon and a six-inch circular screen that displayed your horoscope, nobody would be surprised.
  8. kupocake

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    They're not looking for kudos. They're vainly attempting to placate the pissants who bitch about every little thing that veers away from their pathetic idea of a thoroughbred PC game. Hell knows why. They're never going to be happy. Oh no, the items are shiny! Oh no the health regenerates! Oh...
  9. kupocake

    A Book

    Think I've read all of one Sci-Fi book in my time: P.K. Dick's Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? Honestly, I'm not a fan of his writing style and it didn't really leave an impression (I my have seen it before or after Blade Runner. I don't really care for that either). I have a bunch of...
  10. kupocake

    Mass Effect 3 delayed till 2012

    Not a delay I'm surprised or disheartened to see. They did announce it and then see the Christmas schedule fill up like crazy. Though it does kind of mean that there's nothing I'm going to 'consume without question' for the rest of the year.
  11. kupocake

    All of you buy Plants Vs Zombies right now

    If she can play solitaire, she's over half way there. edit: Oh wow. Munro has played twice as much as me. And that's a lot.
  12. kupocake

    All of you buy Plants Vs Zombies right now

    Don't want to over-excite you guys, but you get a cone for your Pyro and bucket for your Soldier. First time I've recieved a TF2 hat and felt a little flustered. Those hats are like rock stars to me.
  13. kupocake

    Zero Punctuation

    It's funny, but it'll never live up to Portal 1 because it came first.
  14. kupocake

    The impossible space? SPOILERS

    As someone said earlier, they're referring to an overlap or a Tardis-style room of impossibility, not the flexible reality of being able to shoot a portal at the moon (or the fact that the GlaDos chamber is apparently several hundred metres underground according to the ending, despite the clear...
  15. kupocake

    so, is it any good?

    Except in this game, plenty of the achievements specifically drive you towards finding extra content in the form of hidden areas and lines of dialogue. The most time consuming (smash tv) is the most rewarding (it's basically 11 new puzzles). If the achievement wasn't there, you'd never know...
  16. kupocake

    so, is it any good?

    Currently, my play time sits at 21.5 hours. Breaking that down: 7 Hours for the first playthrough. 5 Hours for the co-op. 6 Hours for the commentary (bit sparse, but co-op commentary claws a little back). 3 Hours for miscellaneous achievement grabbing (they hid a lot of that stuff quite...
  17. kupocake

    Funniest Parts?

    She's the backbone of this facility. Pretty as a postcard, too. Sorry Fellas. She's married... TO SCIENCE!
  18. kupocake

    What Games Do You Suck At?

    Strategy is my weakest spot. I was brought up on a few strategy titles that were 12-hour long slogs from level to level that let you do things at your own, painfully slow pace (God games mostly) so when it comes to RTS games, I struggle with the forward momentum in Single Player and am just...
  19. kupocake

    The internet is full of shit

    When a search engine comes along that isn't manipulatable by this crap, I'll have to stop writing it.
  20. kupocake

    Buying Cardboard Boxes?!

    - When will we be able to see a finished box, Sir? - Well, we don't assemble them here -- that's done in Flint, Michigan.