Doctor Who has to be one of the single worst properties to make an MMO with. Less because of the property itself, more because the fanbase consists of 11 year old boys and basement dwelling 40 somethings who're unlikely to have lost their virginity to anything legal.
And through the power of...
Having worked on the periphery of marketing, I'm kind of non-plused why they think that kind of crap is endemic to a games publisher. Immature, off mark and essentially shit is the remit of all marketing.
Their list isn't inaccurate by any means, but it's disconcerting how faddish their opinions evidently can be. Nice that they make the massive drops of games like Thief 2 by 40 places I suppose.
UK Users: Dead Space 2 PC is £13.99 on Amazon UK. I have just grabbed it.
Console versions pretty cheap. And by 'pretty cheap' I mean 'pretty much double the price still'.
Next person who claims PC gaming is expensive gets a kick to the balls. If their cells just don't just say '**** it' and...
Ok... I'm going to be the one to dare to say it.
"Final Fantasy"
It may not fit everyone's idea of 'decent', it may not even fit everyone's idea of an 'RPG', but the series does have the appeal of being completely outside the cliche of Western, LOTR rip-off fantasy. The most popular ones...
This stuff is all absolutely fascinating, but it's always cut for a good reason. Just a shame that reason is money a lot of the time.
Oh and hit me as you inevitably will, but the Ion Storm version of Thief 4, where it transplanted The Dark Project to...
Surely the only reason people have doubted that Episode Three would come to certain consoles in the past was the assumption that it was going to be a pint-sized project that would be a waste of time releasing in boxes? The fact of the matter is that nobody knows what form the project takes any...
We were all saying 'that doesn't even look like Chell' at the time. The logical conclusion is surely that this is simply another character altogether. Though with the premise as it is, perhaps it's only the P2 character from before they decided on the Robot player characters in Co-Op.
Dirty plates? I'm so very happy we have a dishwasher in this house. I have dirty house-mates by even my own low standards, but the worst that happens is that I'm the one picking the plates out of the machine after five days of them just sitting there.
So get a dishwasher. And yes, considering...
I thought it was possible to die with suit health, it's just an unlikely scenario to come up (especially in Half-Life 2 which doles out health regularly and will always prioritise giving you health over energy if you're low). If you have single digit health and you top up your energy, I'm pretty...
Perhaps she always bartered when she saw that. 'Yeah, but it's only about $1.99 for three? Come on, give me a better deal'.
It is frightening how people can not know some pretty basic terminology for stuff. But you know, I'm sure there are Electricians who think I'm a complete dumb**** when...