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  1. sixteenth

    Gamescom 2013

    Nope. Edit: Pfft, and this is my 1000th post. Since 2004. Jebus.
  2. sixteenth

    GFWL will be shutting down on July the first, 2014

    They better patch GTA IV.
  3. sixteenth

    what is ur favorit emot-icon (lol)

    Welcome back. :poop:
  4. sixteenth

    what is ur favorit emot-icon (lol)

    Holy shit that's cool. Imagine if he assigned tones to each hit. It would probably sound like a blubbering mess, but it'd be interesting.
  5. sixteenth

    Dota 2 for Xbox One and PS4 ?????

    You know, I wouldn't be surprised.
  6. sixteenth

    GTX 770 SLI Disappointing Performance.

    I would roll back your drivers to 314.22 or earlier. Nvidia's 320 drivers are shit; especially when it comes to SLI builds. There has even been some reports of 320 drivers killing cards. I updated to 320, loaded up BF3, and saw artifacting and heat spikes that I have never observed before...
  7. sixteenth

    Xbox One

    I find it's great that they listened. But, in the case that they try to add some paywall/limited feature down the line, will the community have to rage again for the limitation(s) to be reversed? I think this whole ordeal exemplifies Microsoft's poor marketing strategy. How did they think that...
  8. sixteenth

    Breaking Bad - Season 5

    PREMIERE TONIGHT! Get excited, prepare your buttholes, etc. For those who need a quick refresh.
  9. sixteenth

    Free FPS MMO/SP Game?

    Huge I imagine. Probably around 10 GBs or so. Btw, looked up your username and found this ****ing masterpiece.
  10. sixteenth

    Free FPS MMO/SP Game?

    Planetside 2. I play a bunch. Tis fun.
  11. sixteenth

    Fake HL2:Ep3 trailer

    That video gave me cancer.
  12. sixteenth

    PS4 Vs. Xbox One

    Having enjoyed my PS3 more than my Xbox, I actually preordered PS4 already. So, I guess, I'm going with that. Edit: Why isn't there a "both" option? There are many people who enjoy consoles so they buy the lot of the generation. Not including the option in the poll, and including a "vs." in...
  13. sixteenth

    What local MP games do you guys miss?

    I agree... only if it only had the original 150. I have absolutely no understanding of any Pokemon past the first wave. I've been considering picking up a WiiU for the new SSB when it comes out. Though, I'm a little worried about the value of such a purchase. I understand that the console has...
  14. sixteenth

    What local MP games do you guys miss?

    Road Rash, SSB, SSX (Tricky?), Goldeneye, Halo (Split-screen/system-link hang 'em high and chill out), Mario Party 2, Mario Tennis, Pokemon Stadium, Episode One Podracer, Excite Bike 64, and HYYYDDRRROOOTHUUNDDDEEERR. Funny. I still play most of these with my friends while drinking; with...
  15. sixteenth

    Half Life 2 HD Remake?

    Good. Find the texture artist, programmer, level designer, audio engineer, etc. and with you, the ideas guy, you might have something going.
  16. sixteenth

    Image Dump IX (ALL POSTS MUST CONTAIN PICTURES) Edit: Maybe just doesn't allow hotlinking. The image shows when you open it in a new tab.