Gray goo sounds like a fun ride. Would these nanobots be able to enter our bodies and then make them fly (if they're enough of them? Flying carcasses would be pretty amusing.
Yeah, it's pretty great. You can get an RSS feed of any mentions you get, so if someone's talking crap about you, you can be all like, "WHAT YOU SAY 'BOUT ME?" and stuff. Yeah.
And to move back on track, this is the first result I got for 'awesome image':
Thank you for the passivity; here's my sarcasm.
I actually wrote her screen name, because she gets Google alerts for her screen name, so I was effectively sending out her own personal Bat signal.
Caught this on io9. It's an upcoming movie about two repomen who revoke the robotic organs of people who aren't able to fulfill their payments in time. Looks pretty bad-ass.
Redband trailer:
She has one of the better bodies in Hollywood, imo, but I can see what you mean about her face. In comparison to others, not much to offer.
To change the subject, who wants a pugjob?
I would do that, but I'm generally seen as a nice guy (although I do get caught up in political debates from time to time). If I find someone annoying on a regular basis, I usually just ignore or delete them.
You know, for the most part, The Wachowski Siblings wrote a lot of shit. I enjoyed the Matrix series and V for Vendetta, but everything else is terrible.
Pitz, I haven't seen this and I'm greatly amused! Oh, how I love/hate Facebook drama. It gets to be annoying when a couple starts arguing publicly on their walls.