yeah saw a Unlocking game files update too and i went like : " OMG! WTF!?! AT LAST :sniper: I WILL PLAY HL2 :bounce: :cheers: " but nope..
this sucks ;(
People; I don`t think they be able to include all oldies from Hl1, think they have replaced a few ones, but i really like to see the tripmine, back in action :( Hope they include the old one! And not replace it with the rollermine...
I started playing HL1 once again, think it is the 8 or 9 time i play now.. Its just so beatuful! :thumbs: Again i would love to play hl:source before hl2 is out, i just hope i can move my Hl1 save games to the hl. source directory.
Why should it be unlocked when the game its in the stores? If it is Gold they could released it via steam now. I don`t see why we have to wait for it to comes to the stores...
" When the game is officially released ,you`ll be able to play it inmediately "
Whats the point? If you can buy...