Sorry about this...but here we go
if you must bash ,at least bash the real monsters..the assholes with power in any country that let ANY of this shit go on...
why was it ok with the UN and various others that Saddams son(forgot which one) was torturing the Iraqi Olympics team?
QF ****ING T!!!
people should
(A) get over the mistakes of the past and learn from them so it doesn't happen again..
(B) don't keep the hate alive and kicking by dwelling on it as though it was this morning..
if only someone would invent "Insurgent seeking" weapons...bombs that only kill/incapacitate insurgents
I wish we would get the hell out of Iraq so the Sunni and Shi'ites can go back to wiping themselves out,as it seems to be their favorite hobby...
maybe whoever won out of that would be...
murderers,rapists and pedos should not have the option of release...
petty criminals? serve time..let go..
big punishment for big crimes..
you take a life intentionally = loss of your rights..
simple as a pimple (not really but I wish it was)
say you graffiti some stores or...
thank you!!!
the way some people act we may as well say, "well if only Hitler was alive so we could rehab him..."
its sooo easy to say "I'm sorry and it will never happen again" but what if because of you (founding a gang) that thing you won't do again..well it keeps on happening...
ok..I am going to sue the sun for being too bright and hurting my eyes...
and the company that made my skateboard for making me fall down go boom...
and the acorn that rolled under my foot when I was walking the other day...
see a pattern?
mankind is the problem...guns are...
this guy permanently took someone elses rights away...why should he have any?
if I kill someone (illegally) guess what? I just forfeited all my rights..bye bye all gone
unless there is proof he didn't do it..besides the "racial" motivations of the cops... why glorify the criminal?
well..war is good for lowering the population...raising the deficit...ummmm...getting rid of unsightly buildings/trees/landscapes.....
oh yeah..makes for good movies and/or anime..
thats it for me,can anyone else come up with anything war is good for?
too bad another Rosa Parks type of role model hasn't come along yet...
and Kangy..those kids weren't "trailer trash"..nowadays,yes they would be, but back did as your parents told you to!
and you better believe in what they believed in as well or else you won a date with a...
its funny sometimes the headlines are a week or 2 old thanks to these forums/Jon Stewart..
I could tell people the "future".. "I know how this will turn out,I'll bet you $___.."
sorry for being off topic...
but did you ever notice how so many "enlightened" people do exactly what us dumb americans are always accused of?
sitting on a high-horse looking down on all who surround...
anyways...back to you
Daily Show and these damned political forums are more up to date than the local news at least...might not be "factual", but at least its a heads up
besides I would rather they (young people) got there news from the Daily Show than from MTV or Seventeen magazine
oh yeah and South Park makes...