no you dip!!
I got them from watching people in general and from my OWN MIND...
which is something sorely lacking around here(politics)...
in here its either seinfeldrules mind or CptSterns mind.... that gets made for us..(just examples of people with opposing viewpoints)
but you...
no the state took five days to do something...evac 24 hours before the storm when they knew about it 5 days in advance? then refusing help before it got out of hand?
smart,very smart
and **** you for calling me "the right"
I hate republicans and democrats equally..
besides I have a...
dude when your workplace is up to your nipples in water...your job lost you!
all you guys seem to care about is somehow connecting this to bush...
what about the raping,murdering and TV stealing(in a flood?!?) or the shooting of rescue workers/police?
all I hear is how Katrina...
FFS you bleeding heart pussies!!
kill the rapist,kill the molester!! cleanse the earth of those sicknesses!
"killing is wrong" and raping a child isn't?
what ever happened to people being drawn and quartered?
jesus if you have kids or hell..if you ever were a kid(!) you should be...
and then you have these jackasses shooting at the rescue workers,etc...
"**** you and your food/medicine!! This is my 'hood now!!" ....dumbasses
I feel sorry for the kids and the old people,but these other ****s making it harder for the "good guys" to do what needs to be hell with...
almost every television advertisement is some kind of "thug-life" feel..even childrens cereal ads...gotta have tha bling bling!
and its not any one races culture...its CRIMINAL culture...thugs or whores..what our childrens role models have become...
areas where the idiots shoot at rescue workers/police should be left alone..they obviously don't want any screw 'em...
and it is "cracker".. not "crakar"
I wish someone would lead,besides Tupac (a dead man) and these other "great" role models...
IP = Intellectual Property
I am more interested in the single player aspect of Q4 personally..Looking like Doom3 but faster paced and all that hype-stuff...Yeah!!
But its an FPS..Most of us will at least play it at a friends house..or "rent" it! ;)
read about this in the newspaper today...
only 2000 people responded on that poll and now all 300-whatever-million Americans are "de-evolving"...
I really wish polls were more truthful..ask EVERYONE..then see what the results are...just my $0.02 !
I went and saw Maiden here in Northern California a year or 2 ago and at the end of the show,Bruce stood there and told us to go home and download the new(at the time) album, because Maiden doesn't give a shit, they just want to please their fans..
"pretty sure he was a raging alcoholic" ...
do either one of you guys TRULY believe any garbage spewing forth on ANY website? especially where politics(the almighty lie) is concerned?
and stern you aren't being "fair" (and neither are you seinfeld!!) in your research unless you go and read what fox news has to say...
then go to...
ibriggs is your motherboard the "deluxe" version?
if it is you might not know about the defective chipset fan..check the Asus support forums for details..
I had one until a few weeks ago :(
sorry for being off topic :)