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  1. Drackard

    Portal 2 Gameplay Videos in HD [Updated]

    I just came a little. Unfortunately I'm at Work and thus unable to hear the voice, but I'm not fussed.
  2. Drackard

    What do you hope does NOT happen in HL3?

    'What do you hope does NOT happen'? I hope Dog doesn't die!
  3. Drackard


    No. I enjoyed it as well. We shall be different and strange together! I for one, am looking forward to this!
  4. Drackard

    Moving To A New City Abroad, Start A New Life

    I've heard Kangaroo Steaks are actually quite tasty! Please confirm?
  5. Drackard

    Moving To A New City Abroad, Start A New Life

    He wasn't attacking him, he wanted a hug! :(
  6. Drackard guestmap

    I was sure I had added myself to this years back .. apparently not! Oh well, it's done now D:
  7. Drackard

    Anyone as exited for portal 2 as I am?

    I think I should probably get around to finishing the 1st one myself rather than watching a friend speed through it.
  8. Drackard

    Perils of Summer Sale: Sunday Update!

    Damnit. So many games and yet I don't get paid until Wednesday! :(
  9. Drackard

    This seemingly simple flash game is amusing

    Mine's Drackard
  10. Drackard

    I'm so smart that I dropped a knife on my foot. Also, name change.

    I was cleaning my ears once. Stupidly left the Cotton bud in my ear whilst trying to take my t-shirt off and POW! Slammed it into my ear. Hurt like **** and hearing was dumbed down for about a week or so :(
  11. Drackard

    Post a screenshot!

    Price is a legend! Even those that don't really like the game can admit that, surely? :o
  12. Drackard

    Could Microsoft be making a bigger push for the PC Gaming in the near future?

    I don't know! On a more related note. I don't see what the big fuss is about GFWL. I've never had any major problems with it myself, always worked fine (mostly!) and as I'm a bit of an achievement whore it allows me to get more achievements the 360. Thinking back, the only time I had a few...
  13. Drackard

    Guy freaks out after his girlfriend deletes his WoW characters.

    She's being forced to roleplay a female Night Elf Rogue.
  14. Drackard

    Lets talk about manly hair, and how to get rid of it.

    It was the first time I had taken a razer down there. I always avoided it for obvious reasons and stuck to safety scissors for an easy trimming, but on this occassion it went tits up!
  15. Drackard

    Lets talk about manly hair, and how to get rid of it.

    Speaking of manly hair. I recently had a bad trim down below and had to even it up. Ended up shaving it all off, now it itches like a motherf*****!
  16. Drackard

    Mandatory games for the cube

    I loved Eternal Darkness. It still remains one of my favourite games to date. I'm sure I still have it lying about somewhere ... think I'll have to dig it out again!
  17. Drackard

    CS:S For Hl2 Mod

    It is, but I like to hear it from the Horse's mouth! Makes it far more enjoyable.
  18. Drackard

    Guy freaks out after his girlfriend deletes his WoW characters.

    Wow ... he completely went the wrong way about dealing with that. He should've taken the monitor to her head instead, DUH!
  19. Drackard

    CS:S For Hl2 Mod

    What's wrong with purchasing from the Steam store?