I was cleaning my ears once. Stupidly left the Cotton bud in my ear whilst trying to take my t-shirt off and POW! Slammed it into my ear. Hurt like **** and hearing was dumbed down for about a week or so :(
I don't know!
On a more related note. I don't see what the big fuss is about GFWL. I've never had any major problems with it myself, always worked fine (mostly!) and as I'm a bit of an achievement whore it allows me to get more achievements the 360.
Thinking back, the only time I had a few...
It was the first time I had taken a razer down there. I always avoided it for obvious reasons and stuck to safety scissors for an easy trimming, but on this occassion it went tits up!
I loved Eternal Darkness. It still remains one of my favourite games to date. I'm sure I still have it lying about somewhere ... think I'll have to dig it out again!