then you are cryogenized and then revived... or maybe he is just messing again with your head after you became unconscious because of something that makes you unconscious
This topic interests me. Yes. it does.
Uhm, my theorie is that those sequence with the gman are always strange (just think of the tram in the hyperspace from the hl ending).
Maybe he messes up in your mind while you are severely injured after the annihilation of the nihilant??
Nah, gordon freeman doesnt have any personal agenda when we are playing.
I think that he is someone who wants to survive or to save the world if he is in the position of doing it.
He may work for bad guys, but him, i just dont think he is some kind on conspirer\evil one .....
So Gabe said we will revisit familiar places....
What this could mean??
Flashbacks? Trips to the place where once was the black mesa research facility?
Or Maybe hl2 will start where hl1 ends?
Maybe the lambda complex has been teleported\spared from the nuke\rebuilt ^?^...
Henrik, i dont why on earth the game should take place in the same place hl took place. Why the ****?
And who said that the entire earth is invaded?? and, if earth is invaded by alien forces, why the **** they should stay in new messico near a nuked research base ???
Come on, few years...
oh cool, so i'm going to rent and play hl on my friend's ps2.
Maybe today.
3: well, it is possible that gordon adventure last 2 days, so i hope it's not a continuity issue.
Bye and thanks
Ohh yes, i remember in bs when you use the security monitor you can see gina pushing the yellow crystal.
So they were working under the spectometer room?
Rosenberg calls for the military ??? :O
Uhm i think you are wrong about this.
In hl1, you begin the game at 8:30 of morning...
Uhm, we already know that from hl2.
There isnt something else you found out (not necessary in the end)??
And in what decay consist^?? in what parts of black mesa does it take place? There are some npc? who are those gals?
if you dont have time to answer it's ok anyway.
Ok, but i would appreciate if you will tell us everything you can on decay, like who are those gals, for who they work, what they do with satellites and rifts, how it ends etc
uhm he was supposing on the interview with gabe newell when he says that you will revisit some familiar location.
This is interesting indeed. Bmrf was nuked. What kind of familiar location we will revisit?
Maybe the lambda complex has been "saved" by the nuke?
I mean, the lambda complex...
edit: the scientist says "freeman hurry up" (or something) so he know that freeman is a guy in a orange suit with red hairs.
Anyway the rest of the previous message is correct i hope
Shephard doesnt know that Freeman has killed some marines (they never mention it in opfor).
Man, he doesnt EVEN KNOW WHO THE **** IS GORDON FREEMAN, he just hears people talking about him and such, and when he saw a guy in an orange suit didnt even realize that he was freeman.
And also...
it would be cool to also add some more npcs, some more features and some new sequences (no shit like "scientist shoots first" in "we got hostile" btw :D )
OK this is long and twisted
1) who sent the marines?
2) why were the soldiers sent to kill everybody ??
3) who ordered the marines to kill freeman??
4) was the incident supposed to happen? If not, why those soldiers were trained so much to fight in black mesa???
5) why were the...