I seriously cannot wait for this game. I saw a bit of it at Comic:CON: NYC which was mainly people flying around.
I think waiting for the PC version will be worth the wait. Their use of PhsyX in Asylum...
Great interview Glenn, Sulk, just want to get that out of the way first. :)
This is precisely what I was afraid of when they announced CS:GO. Look I understand this is a Valve product and they can do as they please to their product. However you are not going to win over the fans to play CS:GO...
Well I did not go last year but I went to Comic-CON: NYC this year. To go there it's about 200 miles one way from MA to NYC or 4 hours. Chet Faliszek was actually there on Friday with the CS:GO team promoting CS:GO. There was also a CS:GO match on Sunday and I was really happy I was going to...
We aren't saying that there isn't any aliens. We are saying that they have a theory something exists here, they just don't have the capabilities of confirming that yet.
Oh but we are smart and have the best colleges here! I wonder why so many people hate us by calling us MASSholes? I have always hated MA and New England in general. I won't even begin about all the Super Fund sites and toxic dump that NE is and the movies that they have spawned.
You can't go...
Jeremy Renner plays Hawkeye. That guy is the ultimate sniper guy in films and was the sniper guy in 28 Weeks Later. I can't say too much about Black Widow other than she is smoking hot and recruits the Punisher. I got punished by watching his film but hopefully he is badass in The Avengers.
I think there will be a round-table with 2 of the actors at NYC: Comic-CON as well this weekend. Needs moar villains but it looks like a CGI fest of super heroes going to war on Earth! :bounce:
Sometimes I feel we are being watched by ET's and they don't know if bacteria/aliens exist here. Maybe they even have trouble to get to Earth like we do for space travel.
Carolyn was not raped by Cave! http://kotaku.com/5848907/no-there-is-no-rape-in-portal-2-but-there-were-buddy-cops Finally a real confirmation. That's why you never trust rumors. McLain was crying and Simmons refused to do the lines /bs.
Most of the stuff they will fix or add within the next month or two. Most of the complaints in the beta was fixed months ago according to the interview I posted. What your honestly going to be a cry baby because you can't use battlelog to talk with .netter's instead of TS, Vent, etc? I mean does...
Personally I think Gus is linked to some form of larger organization. I'm thinking political that could be linked to a politician. Gus has no name on record in Chile which even to Hank surprises him. On top of all this it was revealed in "Hermanos" that Don Eladio had to deal with the Colombian...
Game companies do it every time especially Valve. Every time they release an update they change "little" things that are not mentioned in patch notes or as a minor thing. Unfortunately the game is broken and they keep breaking the game until it takes like 5min for the game to load with multiple...
Any thoughts folks on how the series will wrap up? *Online Extra's: http://blogs.amctv.com/breaking-bad/2011/10/season-4-finale-online-extras.php Also that women who went into Walt's house is Vince Gilligans mom.
You can be sure I will find out Sunday.