Which 3d mark are you running? 2003 or 2001? If your running 2003 then that is your big problem. Because the gf 4 mx440 is basically a a geforce 2 with some minor improvements, it doesnt have any shader of direct x 9 support. I got a 93 in 2003 with a geforce 2 mx400.
well, that doesnt surpise me one bit really. 1700's are dirt cheap, and if you have an oem deal with AMD they are probally down the the pricerange of $15-30. The all you have to do is overclock it, jump the price up to about $65, and people will think they are getting a killer deal on a...
rofl jagermeister. Thats my new background for now. I personally love my 9500. Its going to be a while before i upgrade my videocard again though, because the next video card i get will probally be pci-x.
All i have to say is that nvidia ****ed up with the first batch of fx's, and ati did the 9x00 right serveral months before the gf fx ever came out. ATI still has some diver issues, but it seems to be more steady preformance wise than nvidia at this point. honestly, i dont care. Next video...
whatever. I still say the 2500+ has to be the best bargin for cpus around right now. anyways the athlon 64 will be out in a few weeks now, i cant wait to see how it preforms.
well, like i said, they are "about" the same preformance. Most of those bench marks are pretty close, with the exception of the sisandra benchmakrs. And intel has always been better on the sisandra testing anyways. My main point was that the price difference is huge compared to the preformace...
This is a bit more detail as to the differences between the 2 cpu companies.
let me put it this way :
A 2500+ costs $92 w/ hsf from newegg last i checked.
a 1.8 ghz 400 mghz fsb pentium 4 costs $128.
a 2.4 ghz 800 mghz fsb p4 costs about $180 (its late, so if im wrong blame the fact that...
you are basically unmounting your motherboard and putting in a new one. Take out any cards and unhook all of the connectors of corse. You might want to save this cpu/mobo/ram combo you have for a linux or storage. Somthing of that sort.
The warriors was west side story for heterosexuals.
I need to stop watching tv while post. I would save money and pull stuff out of your old computer. But if your looking at these $600 mobo/cpu type computers i dont think money really is a issue for you? Then i cant relate, so dont...
hmmm. I would recomend one of koss's sets. They sound pretty good and are decently priced. I hate the pair sony headphones i hate, shitty sound for $20.
yeah, i do think the 16x looks better, and the 8x aa looks really good to. Honestly though, If you arent running a resolution high enough its going to do wierd suttf with af. =\.
One thing to note about that image quality review is that they dont show you the 16x af that the ati cards can do. 16x ati af is much better than the nvidia 8x af, but for somereason more review sites dont even show the 16x because it would seem "unfair". bullshit if you ask me, people should...
It really depends on the cpu. I belive mine is rated for 85, but i ahve 72 degrees as the shutdown point. You have nothing to worry about though, im running 10 degrees hotter.