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  1. marksmanHL2 :)

    Another 'what games are you really looking forward to' thread.

    TF2 Ep2 Portal Supreme Commander C&C3 Spore (Maybe..)
  2. marksmanHL2 :)

    No longer a teen!

    likewise. Feb for me. D:
  3. marksmanHL2 :)

    POST YOUR PICS (v. June 19, 2006)

    I have a female friend who knows more about cars than you or I ever will. Lets not make stereotypes.
  4. marksmanHL2 :)

    Iran Warship Attacks UAE Rig

    We need confirmation. Then permanant banage.
  5. marksmanHL2 :)

    US media still pushing the Jessica Lynch lie

    Bah! Dunno what else to say. Bah!
  6. marksmanHL2 :)

    Dark Messiah Game Trailer

    Ahahahah. Your "precious time". My arse, if you have time to read about Dark Messiah you can endure the 3 seconds it takes to glance over sui's nice comics.
  7. marksmanHL2 :)

    Fight Science.

    Respect Aikido. Its a pretty good style!
  8. marksmanHL2 :)

    (US) cops shoot unarmed protestors

    You are brainwashed. You're not a bad person. But really man, wake up!
  9. marksmanHL2 :)

    (US) cops shoot unarmed protestors

    For gods sakes. Do you honestly believe that all protesters are like that? Even that most are?!
  10. marksmanHL2 :)

    Company Of Hereos Public Beta

    Decent link to the patch anyone?
  11. marksmanHL2 :)

    (US) cops shoot unarmed protestors

    Pretty shocking.
  12. marksmanHL2 :)

    Are you in good physical shape?

    I'm in good shape. Not great shape. :)
  13. marksmanHL2 :)

    BNP Lies on Housing Policies

    Whoever said I supported tony blair? And maggie? You are joking? She served her purpose, but hell no.
  14. marksmanHL2 :)

    BNP Lies on Housing Policies

    Pretty much! The BNP are a joke. Only problem is they arnt funny. Hence, they serve no purpose. :(
  15. marksmanHL2 :)

    Communication Skills

    rofl! Genious. :)
  16. marksmanHL2 :)

    Off Limits Media Release & Ingame Videos

    You got that right.... :imu:
  17. marksmanHL2 :)

    Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

    Goo goo ga cho
  18. marksmanHL2 :)

    Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

    I have a rather painful hangover. It sucks. D:
  19. marksmanHL2 :)

    Food that you hate but the rest of the world loves

    Err, I like pretty much everything I think..