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  1. loque

    Scariest HL experience ... ffs people check the forum before you start a new post...
  2. loque

    Do you plan to upgrade for HL2?

    my cpu mobo and ram aint gonna be the gf3 ti200 64mb could be..if so I am gonna buy a new gfx card
  3. loque

    Show us your desktop

    rar :bounce:
  4. loque

    The start of my first Halflife2 model

    go with muffinmans idea...I dont like ff but they got kickass chars
  5. loque

    GMan And Nihilanth Sounds

    vert I really dont think they planned every bit of text for a sequal..what they can do is make hl2 link up with hl and try to conenct to the stuff that whas said. plus the fact that I think that they did write the halflife story for more then 1 game but they still made a ending at the first halflife
  6. loque

    HL2 movie FTP

    dont wanna be a complete bitch but yer the nonce for: 1) having not secured yer ftp or did a bad job at it... 2) didnt set to the proper user flags to the folders and the files... no offence but thats just stupid :dork:
  7. loque

    HL2 simple wallpaper

    omg thats damn nice...make it in 1600x1200 and ill use it :cheese:
  8. loque


    omfg what a ripp off I got my silver alliminium (or how ever you write it) for like 5 quid less :cheese:
  9. loque

    GMan And Nihilanth Sounds

    I dont wanna be a bitch but when valve made hl did they know that is whas gonna be a big hit ? did they think about everything little thing some1 or something would say that could be connected to a sequal ? dont think so...
  10. loque

    Example of Artificial Inteligence

    its funny to see how every1 just beleives what valves say (why wouldnt we ?) "these scenes are not scripted"...well dont show me a movie then go play 1 piece of level 3 times and see how smart the AI really is...
  11. loque

    Who the heck is publishing this game??

    sierra is gonna publish it and sierra is owned by all hush :cheese: (dont hate me if im wrong but im think im correct../me runs)
  12. loque

    Work in Progress Wallpaper

    Re: Re: Work in Progress Wallpaper what logo ? :s
  13. loque Demo

    lolololololol thats so much fun :cheese:
  14. loque

    Cutted Alien Img

    what did you use ? photoshop ? if so can you mail a link to the psd ? or mail it to me ? please dont post the link here causs I prolly will never find it again forum is to darn big..ofcourse you can mail it to me and post it here for other people mail = [email protected]
  15. loque


    ea games won best booth price on e3 causs off the babes...where are the games ? :cheese: :bounce: :cheers:
  16. loque

    Does anyone feel this way?

    so true..people always feel attacked by some1 who actually has a oppinion and doesnt just spam the forum with silly comments. And I feel the same..nothing is good enough to hold my attention as long as hl did...I kinda liked planetside but thats way to exspensive ;(
  17. loque

    The start of my first Halflife2 model

    well if it is a insect it needs 6 legs otherwise its no insect..right ? :dozey: :bounce:
  18. loque

    Counterstrike or DayofDefeat?

    played cs for like 2 years bored with it now play dod most off the times now so I voted for dod
  19. loque

    Valve + release date(s)

    talking about warez in any way what so ever will get you banned
  20. loque

    Ughh G4 is gay

    thats like saying diable2 is the best RPG ever..ITS NOT EVEN A FUCING RPG IS IT FFS goddamn piece of ****ing noobing idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try baldurs gate thats a ****ing rpg jezus goddamn ****ing shite arghhhhhhhhhhh **ahum** ...