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  1. M

    I dont understand why valve has to release info on the game today or the game wont

    yes sir-reee c u guys tomorrow, gonna go hit the bunk now... atleast i have something to look forward to everyday now :cheers:
  2. M

    GS touches on HL2

    dude so did i. im gettin halo just for the multiplayer. not to mention MODS *custom models, maps* new maps, new weapons, hint hint! :cheers:
  3. M

    *Hints* from someone who knows the truth

    EVERYONE... lets get good night of sleep and prepare for the next day. :cheers:
  4. M

    GS touches on HL2

    well atleast we'll have hl2 benchmark to play with :cheers: not to mention halo 16player multiplayer (bg, w00t w00t!!) :cheers:
  5. M

    GS touches on HL2

    "Returning to the actual release date, I think the more likely explanation is that the secrecy and controversy is manufactured. Let's face it--you are going to buy Half-Life 2. No matter what happens, Valve and Vivendi know they aren't going to alienate fans. In fact, Vivendi is no stranger to...
  6. M

    What target fps & reswill satisfy fyour needs in HL2?

    with my ti4200... around 40-60fps at 800x :afro:
  7. M

    Accoring to the store managers from EB going to have to wait!

    o man that sux. i would have to refocus my attention to halo for pc and console gaming for awhile :x
  8. M

    What would you do if the game was DELAYED?

    i would just buy halo for pc and play the hell out of it until half-life2. good plan? yes :cheers:
  9. M

    Start Up Sounds!!

    ya i like that BUUUUUUUUUUNG sound. it sounds like some kind of monitor is turning on :afro:
  10. M

    Half-life 2 Is Not Coming September 30th!!!

    elephant :afro:
  11. M

    I dont understand why valve has to release info on the game today or the game wont

    try e-mailing valve about the release date, not only gabe... :afro:
  12. M

    Half-life 2 Is Not Coming September 30th!!!

    Metroid? :afro:
  13. M

    Half-life 2 Is Not Coming September 30th!!!

    that's sweet, but LINK? :afro:
  14. M

    *Hints* from someone who knows the truth

    link people, geez.
  15. M

    *Hints* from someone who knows the truth

    :cheers: lets party :bounce:
  16. M

    Valve's past actions...

    "Many gamers who have been eagerly awaiting the release of Sierra’s first-person shooter Half-Life were dismayed to find that major software retailer Electronics Boutique had changed its estimate of the release date to December 2, 1998. " sounds familiar?? :afro: the game ended up being...
  17. M

    Reason for sept. 30th hype!

    my birthday is on september 27th :cheers: