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  1. V

    Hoping this is the SDK and not the source

    I hadn't thought of that. Its quite possible this is just the SDK, but I'm not quite sure, as I don't actually have the files!
  2. V

    "Leaked Source" Is A Fake - Proof

    d8cam, I urge you to try and refute the arguement I have against you. Until then, my arguement is far more sound.
  3. V

    "Leaked Source" Is A Fake - Proof

    Since no one has mentioned it in this thread, I'd like to mention that the zombie code does also not contain the references to animations for breaking in half, nor detatchment of headcrab. (yet later, this function that doesn't have an animation is called (both detachment of headcrabs and legs)).
  4. V

    HL2 Source Code

    No No No, its the other way around. In the video they do break, but in the sourcecode here they do not.
  5. V

    HL2 Source Code

    Looking at the posted code makes me think its even more fake than I did before. The zombie can't break in half. Are there any other zombie files?
  6. V

    HL2 Source Code

    But valve has said they won't have a linux client at release.
  7. V

    HL2 Source Code

    Its still an unfounded assumption.
  8. V

    HL2 Source Code

    Fragmaster is one to make unfounded assumptions.
  9. V

    HL2 Source Code

    That's exactly what they would use for it. They're cunning people, these hoax artists.
  10. V

    HL2 Source Code

    If I'm not mistaken, Half-Life used the Quake engine, which has been released to the public. The SDK can be modified for DLLs, and the Quake source for the exes.
  11. V

    HL2 Source Code

    Edit: Haha, shuzer beat me to it.
  12. V

    HL2 Source Code
  13. V

    HL2 Source Code

    From the Half-Life sourcecode, that's public?
  14. V

    HL2 Source Code

    Actually, I've seen things copyrighted for dates after they were printed. I had a history book in '99 that was copyrighted for 2000
  15. V

    HL2 Source Code

    I've heard from multiple accounts that the AI for the grunt is identical in both versions, that there's folders that shouldn't exist if it was the real one they had, and I'm thinking that it is just the Half-Life code editted by people with a lot of time on their hands.
  16. V

    HL2 Source Code

    I've seen bits and pieces, but I read that linux would not be supported, and hl2 doesn't use worldcraft, it uses a modified version of it.
  17. V

    HL2 Source Code

    I'm convinced its a hoax, personally.
  18. V

    These wounds, they will not heal!!!!!

    I'd place my bets on November. Why would they want to miss the biggest shopping day of the year?
  19. V

    How long will the 9800xt be bundled with HL2?

    1. as long as the card is produced.
  20. V

    ATI users gettin hl2 early?

    This is exactly it. Its marketing, and its pulling a lot of you in.