That's a bit off topic, and obviously fake...
Frizz, which do you say is coming out in Nov? The graphics card? In that case, it makes perfect sense for everyone. VU gets the holiday release, ATI gets the card out near the same time as the game, and the only disappointed people are the...
That actually makes sense too. If the XT is available mid-october, the game may be then too...
Added: Well, if they were originally aiming for sept 30th, then they shouldn't be too hard-pressed. It may just come in oct.
There's really not much of a difference. Its just a matter of which programs are released for which platform. I think the Windows PC has quite a bit more versatility though, and has more than one available OS, is completely customizable, and has two (or more) mouse buttons.
Porting HL2 to...
Wow, that's a lot of bandwidth. Of course they'll need it, what with the cs 1.6 fiasco and their future even larger plans... That's enough bandwidth for about 18-19 thousand people to be downloading at the same time, from between 50kbps and 100kbps... still not quite enough for something as big...
Yup, my head's gonna explode sometime soon, according to that article. Its such a poor hoax, its as though its aimed at intelligent people, but an intelligent person should be able to see it for what it really is.
The question is is whether he remembers it now. Myself, I think we just need to wait and see, that any plot twists will be sweet and may just be completely unexpected (they do have someone whose job is to make the storyline after all, he's not just going to make it be a shoot-em-up and nothing...
@bel, why should I be looking at that? Barney? It just confirms that...
Anyways, I tried searching for a previous thread because I'm interested, but the search function doesn't work... it keeps telling me I need 4 or more words, when I have 4 words, and is only reflecting the first word in...
Well, at the start of Half-Life before the experiments, they say its warming up nicely, and that conditions could hardly be more ideal... And then there's the soda machine, which I thought was a nice easter egg... and was Alyx's father the one who was saying that they shouldn't have gone and...