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  1. FAK3R

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    well, if you played hl1 you know they run away, so you'd expect a lot better from hl2
  2. FAK3R

    interesting log

    I'll have to see it to believe it
  3. FAK3R

    The Greatest Lie ever told?!?!

    Not sure if they lied about displacement maps, but they did lie about how good the AI was.. for instance in traptown when the soldier kicks down the door that is a scripted sequence
  4. FAK3R

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    I have some important info for you CALM DOWN it doesn't matter he's doing his job, just because he has his own views about the HL2 delay, and isn't kissing VALVe's ass for their doing a good job... or lack thereof. Doesn't make him a bad guy. You're just pissed and offended because...
  5. FAK3R

    :) Shuttin down Beta Sites - One at a time!

    oh my there are still a thousand other sources to get all this stuff from!! This is such a great accomplishment
  6. FAK3R

    Half-Life 2 only standart game ???!!! Lies about game.

    You can tell that traptown was scripted.. if you kill the soldier that spawns before you go behind the door it still gets kicked open.. you gonna tell me that was an invisible npc?
  7. FAK3R

    Don't ruin the experience!!!! Support Valve!!!

    Trying it actually made me want it a lot more than I even cared for before. I see how awesome it is now. I can't wait for the final version
  8. FAK3R

    More Juicy screenshots of HL2

    Yeah I did everything possible in all the maps, The buggy drives well and I like how you aim the mounted gun.. It's a nicely done vehicle
  9. FAK3R

    More Juicy screenshots of HL2

    Updated with these also added to original post Check for the whole pics list
  10. FAK3R

    More Juicy screenshots of HL2

    Yes it is playable. I myself am running with a AMD Duron 1.2ghz processor with 512mb of ram and the forementioned GeforceFX 5200 Compresed into one tar file it's 1.39GB The game comes in 100 individual 15mb files ( you do the math on that one) And fully uncompressed it takes 3.19GB of space...
  11. FAK3R

    More Juicy screenshots of HL2

    No the options are very limited you cant change much except for resolution and 32bit or 16bit depth.. I think that might be somewhere in the configs but I'm too lazy to look around right now
  12. FAK3R

    More Juicy screenshots of HL2

    Will update with more pics such as how it looks when you kill humans or hacks aka combines
  13. FAK3R

    More Juicy screenshots of HL2

    they Kind of show off the physics they even are applied to small things such as birds.. I for one will buy this whenever it comes out.. and it shows the reappearance of one of the monsters..
  14. FAK3R

    Havok Physics

    Yeah max payne2 will be out in about 2 weeks I can't wait
  15. FAK3R

    Havok Physics

    Yes the physics are part of what was released I played the "beta" (I use the word beta loosely, since everybody is calling it something else) and they are very much part of the game. I think it gives it a nice touch the blood decals or bullet wounds also look very nice. The new graphics give it...
  16. FAK3R

    vALVE Support Army.

    Just letting you know that you need to seriously get a life. this game does not matter as much as you make it out to.
  17. FAK3R

    vALVE Support Army.

    So you're saying you would die for a group of nerds that create video games? You just prove that you are one SAD individual.. I'm sorry but you are a nerd, not an intellectual seeing as you can't spell.
  18. FAK3R

    omg i pray the beta is not leaked

    For all you nonbelievers the playable beta is infact real it's all over the scene as of today..
  19. FAK3R

    Something to look foward to!

    Well, now that HL2 is delayed. we still have other games to look foward to.. Say for instance max payne 2 That is very soon, it looks to be an awesome game plus it uses physics to show off
  20. FAK3R

    Half Life 2 Demo (hear me out :P)

    [Half.Life.2.Beta-ANON] [GaMes] [Pred 8 minutes 14 seconds