Probably not me because I won't be able to buy a copy for a while until after it's released.. zing zong zwned by financial problems.
atleast I was able to upgrade my pc :cool:
I'm pretty sure if something like that was possible in an old game like MGS than it is in source
but it all depends on if they wanted to add that to the style of play which half life is
not exactly a tactical espionage shooter
Are you kidding me? The mp is actually pretty fun for a while up to 128 players
too bad the community would probably all fit into that one server though
and yes
I answered it before he even replied basically
it is all preference
unless you're a game designer this debate of which is better shouldnt really matter
they both look like killer engines(by killer i mean your cpu dying)
I wasn't trying to be funny just implying that this is not funny in any way, shape, or form.. as a matter of fact if you tend to find this funny you have toooooooooooooooo much free time