First console I ever had was my Atari.. then it moved on to Sega, SegaCD, Sega Saturn, NES, SuperNES, N64, PSX, and the last console I ever wasted money one was a Dreamcast..
Now I just use my pc for any gaming needs. I think PC games are better because online play is so much more fun than a...
I don't see why all of you are bitching about the graphics.. MOH:AA was a great game.. (with the exception of that sniper level) The multiplayer could have been better though.. Either way I'll probably end up getting this latest installment since I've been hooked on MOH since PSX..
Hell yeah that would be nice.. I heard they're supporting SvenCoop which pretty much depends on the bots AI's. I hope they implement something like that for anyone who is bored and just feels like fragging a few bots without the lag, or whiners
Splinter cell wasnt that great of a game.. I liked it the most out of any tom clancy game.. But I say it was trying too much to be like MGS2
i agree the visuals and lighting in splinter cell surpassed those of MGS2.. but Splinter Cell wasn't as fun as MGS2
It says Do Not Drop
It's a stenciled N and appears to be an X, because of the breaks in the letter.. I'm pretty sure someone said this before, and they are right, I don't care how many times you've watched the video.
Yeah all because of the HL2 announcement im in the process of upgrading my pc
already got me a GeForce FX5600
yeah i know its not the 5900
but I'm not rich ;\
working on new mobo and cpu
current AMD 1.2ghz not that great
and some more ram only 256 currently
no need for hdds seeing as i...
yeah I'm looking into upgrading to and FX
I'm not much of a fan when it comes to ati gpu's
they are always problematic with certain games such as MGS2, CS, QUAKE3
anyways I'm going to most likely have a upgraded system before HL2 is released