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    Upgrading your computer for Half-Life 2

    amd atlon xp 1800+ 512ddram 16x/48x dvd rom gforce 4 ti4800se 128mb hope it'll do :) btw, will it be released on dvd or ordinary cd?
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    Lots of questions

    cant afford a new vid card. :) what about the release date? will that be 30 sept for sure?
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    Lots of questions

    HI! Well, the first thing to say is sorry. somebody will of coruse complain about this thread since u probably been through all these questions before. Question 1: Will hl2 have destructible (spelling? word?) doors? if its a locked wooden door, u can shot a well aimed shotgun shot at the...
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    has anyone heard something about wich card that will work best on hl2? ive heard that the ti4800se is better than a fx5600 256mb. but i wonder wich of these cards is best in hl2. i guess its the ti4800.
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    GAME's HL2 Release Date

    haha, well, i wouldnt trust them i bit. are u sure that ure even gonna get hl2? ;)
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    Something nihilanth says

    yeah, got scared like hell!!! haha, understand that ure scared.
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    Something nihilanth says

    hey! gotta ask u guys one thing, a few years ago, something really weird happened when i was installing my HL. It started speaking, some file or whatever it was, for some reason just started. and there were a few people talking. it was so weird...anybody know what the hell happened???? (maybe...
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    GAME's HL2 Release Date

    hmm, i cant see it changed anywhere else...but im hopefull :) but as Xtasy0 said. why would they release it eariler when they can polish it?
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    50 different enemies?

    ok, but i thought he meant that there were a headcrad, 3 different types of them. and then lets say the...uhm zombies, thrre different types of them, and all enemies more than 1 sort of each..if u understand what i mean ;)
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    50 different enemies?

    so there is 50 enemies, and each has 3 variations? or did u mean the headcrab counted as three?
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    HL2 Boxes at my EB store.

    if alyx was real, she would beat u up b4 u banged her ;)
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    doom 3 a joke?

    but i didnt like Q3, it sucked.. ;) but thats my opinion.
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    My first Half Life 2 WallPaper

    *changing background* thats a really impressive work of art! good job, if you makes anymore, let me know =)
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    Clean (dirty) wallpaper

    thats a really nice background :) *impressed* edit: i tried to do some wallpapers myself, but it alwas ends up with me getting mad with myself. :)
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    doom 3 a joke?

    no one can say if a game is good game if they have played the alpha. an alpha is, as u probably know, an very early stage of a game, and doesnt say much how the final version will be. so if one has played an alpha as says that it sux, id say that its to early to say. whats the meaning of my...
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    Bloody spamming..

    why was guinny banned?
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    doom 3 a joke?

    probably :) and valve is probably very happy about their game, and they should im looking forward most to hl2. like most people probalby do in this forum, but as i said, i will also play d3, no doubt about it. i know, there is very man y "probably up there, im aware of that so dont pick on me ;)
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    Bloody spamming..

    many things, whats the first thing you wanna know?
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    Half-Life 2 Physics Test Level HERE

    graH!!!!! damn you simo2k3!!! ;) i got so happy :)
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    doom 3 a joke?

    long time til d3's release, many things can happen. i personally like more to get my hans on hl2, but i will definetely play d3.