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    Playable Demo

    i donte even wanna play something from the real would ruin the real game i think...but to play a little with that source enginge *yummy* :) edit: i mean play the real levels in the demo :)
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    What the hell is my Steam Downloading?

    havent counter strike always been fo frEE?
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    DNF is going to be better than HL2

    hehe, thats not even ever gonna come out :)
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    New media leaked!!!

    or jsut stop talking to eachother since u see to not be able to get along... :)
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    Playable Demo

    I know they said that it wont be a playable demo but, think about it. to ge to play with the Source engine in the level with all the barrels and water and glass and that stuff ya know. those thing in the 22min video, it would be great, but thats not gonna happen right..?
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    physics is fun

    haha :)
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    New media leaked!!!

    *sigh* cant u all be friends? :) we'll have to stay together to survive this long wait =)
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    physics is fun

    guinny: just kidding :) im almost in love with u ;)
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    What aspect of HL2 are you anticipating the most?(physics, AI, multiplayer, etc.)

    im looking for the combo of everything mixed up, the best AI ever seen, best physics, best graphic...with one ord: HL2..or is that 2 words..and one number.?
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    physics is fun

    guinny: i dont like you ;)
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    physics is fun

    guinny: the hell? what kinda richie rich child are u? :) i only have a fx5600 256mb, and that aint as good as ure :P
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    physics is fun

    guinny: and realise, hell, i should have buyed the other gfx card ;P
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    DNF is going to be better than HL2

    ah, you wanna have fun, loose uäre gun ;P edit: u're btw, what the hell is DNF? :)
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    DNF is going to be better than HL2

    think about the barnacles, (roof things, aint the calld barnacles), they could do hell of a blowjob ;) you could ahve them in the game, just as they are in HL1
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    DNF is going to be better than HL2

    haha :)
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    DNF is going to be better than HL2

    Kamakiri: im sure u're full of ideas on this are :D edit: area of course
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    DNF is going to be better than HL2

    dont think so, as long as u make it clear that its not a mod for children, or is it? :P
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    DNF is going to be better than HL2

    HL2 might be the biggest porno game ever, realistic shadows, nice graphic, good physics. could be a hit ;)
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    New media leaked!!!

    nice one, at least its better than MSMINES. or what ever its called..
  20. A

    Half-Life 2 postponed? :(

    haha, suckers :)