Just to clear something up, the story and information on the site for Hostile Freedom is poorly written and documented. It was a rough draft and needed some heavy duty editing. So Tim if you are confused this is why. I'm currently writing everything down again, this time structured properly and...
You're misled there Ichi, the entire thing moves, shield and all. Those feet on the shield are there for when it is put down on the ground for whatever reason. The tri-pod makes it complete giving it maneuverablity and all.
Here is a render of our Titan Anti-armor weapon which will be used by the Stygian forces to combat the Opanara's heavy vehicles and defenses.
Initially I planned for this to be used as an attachment on a heavy-suited Stygian, however, as time went on I realized it was too much steel and the...
Like it or not folks, the realistic genre is here to stay. I personally would love to play and make realistic games forever, however, I have much more important things to attend to like masturbation. I'm glad we have this crop of realistic games coming out. It kinda makes you want to dance with...
Haha, yes those marines need some medical attention quickly! 'MEDIC! MEDIC!' And as the gentlemen said, there is definitely time to improve their look.
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams comes to mind, perhaps the name of the setting "Restless" Creek and the fact that an acident occurred and that the town has mysteriously turned to shit. Should be fun though. And it is ok to copy ideas or at least be influenced by them. Everyone steals each others...
Hostile Freedom seeks a programmer willing to push the envelope and raise the bar in all components of the game. Our website is here if you wish to learn more. Note: most of our game, on a written level, is located on our forum.
Well I can write, construct levels using a variety of editors -- WorldCraft, GtkRadiant, 3DS, UnrealED -- 3D and 2D art and basic webpage design, nothing mind blowing.
I see where you are coming from KrazyKlown, there hasn't been a lot of survival horror themed games created by mod-makers these days. I must admit when I first heard Resident Evil was going online, I was ecstatic. To walk around a house, or city for that matter, with friends hunting down an...
Yeah this does sound like a previous idea I had before too. Mine was to have a group of [6] soldiers caught behind enemy lines and up against an unsurmountable amount of terrorists. The objective was to survive at all costs or make it to the exit which could be a extraction chopper or something...