Hey Noodly, I get this when I try to access that forum:
Warning: main(/home/noodlygod/www/sn/includes/memfunc.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/noodlygod/www/sn/forum/view.php on line 3
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required...
Watch yourself with copyright infringement. Usually I'm not the type of person to mention these things as I support all mods, but when it comes to the Matrix property, I must say something. They [Warner Bros] are on that property like flies on shit and if they see a team making a game based on...
Human versus Human. And no 3rd parties--we assume our character has a badass story like being a hardcore mercenary 10 years before. And welcome to the forums.
Extremely ambitious. MMORPG's are definitely complex in every aspect from world control to world behaviour. However, don't let that distract you from your vision and dedication. One thing though: hopefully you guy's aren't planning on releasing all of those guns? - Release a small portion...
That I know and nice. A bit rounded, but overall, nice work.
Noodly--You can help by making a forum or get a forum going. Preferably Ikonboard or whichever you can do. I'd do it but my time is limited to focusing on getting the entire world of Hammerstein written and fleshed out. If you can...
Some gamers like the sound of their weapon firing off; muzzle flashes exploding, illuminating the area around them, bullets splashing into everything in sight; intensity reigns. That is the point.
Cybernetics, perhaps. I mean it is possible especially with the time period and the circumstances on Hammerstein. But from a design stand point, I'm not really going for immortal type characters. I understand the fun factor involved with having cybernetics, but the realistic aspect of combat is...